
martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

Enrolling at two interesting associations

Resultado de imagen de british interplanetary associationThere are two associations that I want to know better: The London Beekeepers Association and The British Interplanetary Society. They both organize differents events and anyone can subscribe like associated.

The problem is always the same: I need to have a very good English speaking and hearing level to understand the talks and other events that they do.

Resultado de imagen de london beekeepers associationThe only way that I know to reach that, is the inmersión. I need to find the different ways to be in a British environment all day hearing and speaking in English.

So, I'll try to be London Beekeeper associate because I think is the best way to start into a British atmosphere.

Other interesting way could be enrolling in a course at the University, but I have to investigate the amount payable and what kind of courses they've got.

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